Themed ‘Harvest the Brightest Over A Decade,’ the 10th anniversary celebration of Media Studies Department, New Era College will be officially kicked off on 2/5/2011. Picking up cream of the crop down the memory lane for the past ten years, the main concept of this event is to enable internal as well as external public of New Era College to understand the operation and specialty of Media Studies Department through a series of activates, parading our persistency and determination in cultivating mindset of critical thinking, community care, humanism and safeguard the Chinese education. Also, the environmental protection element is added on, reflecting our enthusiasm for environmental protection throughout the years.
Tuesday, 19 April 2011
07.30am - 幼稚园
- 华侨幼稚园
- Holy Family
- TADIKA Kanak-kanak Bjiak
- Taska Kids
12.30pm - 4间小学
- Sk Convent
- 沙登公民小学
- 沙登二校
- 沙登一校
10.00am - Jalan Bukit
2.00pm - 阳明中学(Sungai Long)
6.00pm - Pasar Malam(Sungai Long)
1.30pm - 坤成
6.00pm - Pasar Malam(尔璇家)
12.30pm - 循人
09.00am - 育华中学(讲师)
8:00am - 早上去SungaiLong Pasar Pagi
Wednesday, 13 April 2011
2/5/2011 (星期一) 开幕典礼Opening Ceremony
时间Time | 节目流程Program |
09:00am - 07:00pm | 展览,影音平台游戏Exhibition, Audio Visual Platform Games |
09:30am - 10:00am | 观众入席Arrival of Guests |
10:00am - 10:10am | 廿四节令鼓 24 Festive Drum |
10:10am - 10:20am | 新纪元学院院长潘永忠博士致欢迎词Welcoming Speech by the Principal of New Era College Dr. Pua Eng Chong |
10:20am - 10:30am | 高等教育部副部长何国忠博士致词Speech by Deputy Minister of Higher Education YB Dr. Hou Kok Chung |
10:30am - 10:40am | 开幕仪式Opening Ceremony -颁发纪念品Presentation of Souvenir -部长参观各组别展览 YB Visiting Media Exhibition |
10:40am - 10:45am | 媒体系十周年歌曲呈献Singing Performance - Media Studies Department 10th Anniversary Song |
10:45am - 11:05am | 幼儿表演Children Performance |
11:05am - 11:20am | 戏剧表演(凤城台十点新闻) Drama Performance |
11:20am - 11:30am | 变脸 “Faceoff” Performance |
11:30am - 11:50am | 歌手培杰演唱 Singing Performance by Artiste Pei Jie |
12:00pm - 02:00pm | 环保绘画及填色比赛Environmental Protection Drawing & Coloring Contest |
12:00pm - 12:30pm | 不说话行动 Silent Action |
12:30pm - 01:00pm | 《呐喊》舞蹈表演 Dance Performance |
01:00pm - 02:00pm | 素食烹饪Vegetarian Cooking Demo |
02:00pm - 02:30pm | 美人鱼表演 Mermaid Show |
02:30pm - 03:00pm | 颁奖与纪念品Awards presentation |
03:00pm | 礼成The End |
3/5/2011 (星期二) 活动
时间Time | 节目流程Program |
09:00am - 07:00pm | 展览,影音平台游戏Exhibition, Audio Visual Platform Games |
02:00pm - 04:00pm | 《媒体游乐场》模拟馆‘Media Fun Fair’ Mock Class’ |
07:30pm - 09:30pm | 《政治,关我的事!》马泰学生运动领袖分享会Sharing of Thoughts |
4/5/2011 (星期三) 活动
时间Time | 节目流程Program |
09:00am - 07:00pm | 展览,影音平台游戏Exhibition, Audio Visual Platform Games |
12:00pm - 12:30pm | 《呐喊》舞蹈表演 Dance Performance |
03:00pm - 05:00pm | 《E公民与民主-按『LIKE』可以改变世界吗?》论坛 Forum |
02:00pm - 04:00pm | 《媒体游乐场》模拟馆‘Media Fun Fair’ Mock Class’ |
5/5/2011 (星期四)活动
时间Time | 节目流程Program |
09:00am - 07:00pm | 展览,影音平台游戏Exhibition, Audio Visual Platform Games |
02:00pm - 04:00pm | 《媒体游乐场》模拟馆‘Media Fun Fair’ Mock Class’ |
07:30pm - 09:30pm | 黄明志《态度》分享会Sharing of Thoughts |
6/5/2011 (星期五) 活动
时间 Time | 节目流程 Program |
09:00am – 10:00pm | 展览 Exhibition |
09:00am – 07:00pm | 影音平台游戏Audio Visual Platform Games |
11:30am – 11:45am | 游戏(颁奖)Game Awards Presentation |
11:45am – 11:50am | 舞蹈表演 Dance Performance |
11:50am – 12:00pm | 再会 The End |
07:00pm – 07:20pm | 系友入场Arrival of Alumni |
07:20pm – 07:30pm | STORM 表演 Performance by STORM |
07:30pm – 07:35pm | 司仪开场Introduction by Emcee |
07: 35pm - 08:00 pm | 系友用餐时间 Dinner Time |
08:00pm - 08:10pm | 回顾媒体系十年历史片段Review of Media Studies Department Historical Events |
08:15pm – 08:25pm | 媒体研究系陈心瑜主任致词Speech by the Head of Media Studies Department |
08:25pm – 08:35pm | Celine同学表演 Performance by Celine |
08:35pm – 08:45pm | 扯铃表演Diabolo Performance |
08:45pm – 08:55pm | 合唱团表演 Chorus Performance |
08:55pm – 09:15pm | 全体切蛋糕仪式 Cake-Cutting Ceremony |
09:15pm – 09:20pm | 筹委会主席致词Speech by Organizing Committee Chairman |
09:20pm – 09:35pm | 活动历程筹办回顾 Event Organization Review |
09:35pm –10:00pm | 闭幕/Closing Ceremony 大合照/历届班级照Group Photo Session |
10:00pm | 再会The End |
*以自助餐方式进行Dinner on buffet style
***主办当局有权更换节目内容The organizer reserve rights to make changes on content of program.
主题Theme:《拾载媒好》‘Harvest the Brightest Over A Decade’
To celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Media Studies Department, New Era College.
To promote the concepts of environmental care and love our mother Earth.
To uphold the College's spirit of "From the Community; For the Community.
The Department of Media Studies (Public Relations Group), New Era College, Kajang, Selangor
Date: 02 – 06/5/2011(星期一至星期五)(Monday to Friday)
Venue: 雪州加影市新纪元学院UG 活动中心
UG Hall, New Era College, Kajang, Selangor
Activities: 学生作品展览、各组别的新闻体验、环保小游戏、晚宴、抽奖游戏、绘画比赛、货柜展示、学生表演等节目。
Student work exhibition, mock-up media classes, environmental protection games, banquet, lucky draw, drawing competition, container display, stage performance, etc.
Target audience:
对内/ Internal
•新院全体师生 All lecturers, students and staff
•媒体研究系历届毕业生及教职员Graduates and former teaching staff of Media Studies Department
对外(主)/ External (main)
Residents in Kajang and surrounding area (Selangor and Kuala Lumpur)
•媒体业界人士Media worker
•中学生 Secondary schools students
•幼儿 Kindergarten kids
对外(次)/ External (secondary)
•全国人士 All Malaysian
To celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Media Studies Department, New Era College.
To promote the concepts of environmental care and love our mother Earth.
To uphold the College's spirit of "From the Community; For the Community.
The Department of Media Studies (Public Relations Group), New Era College, Kajang, Selangor
Date: 02 – 06/5/2011(星期一至星期五)(Monday to Friday)
Venue: 雪州加影市新纪元学院UG 活动中心
UG Hall, New Era College, Kajang, Selangor
Activities: 学生作品展览、各组别的新闻体验、环保小游戏、晚宴、抽奖游戏、绘画比赛、货柜展示、学生表演等节目。
Student work exhibition, mock-up media classes, environmental protection games, banquet, lucky draw, drawing competition, container display, stage performance, etc.
Target audience:
对内/ Internal
•新院全体师生 All lecturers, students and staff
•媒体研究系历届毕业生及教职员Graduates and former teaching staff of Media Studies Department
对外(主)/ External (main)
Residents in Kajang and surrounding area (Selangor and Kuala Lumpur)
•媒体业界人士Media worker
•中学生 Secondary schools students
•幼儿 Kindergarten kids
对外(次)/ External (secondary)
•全国人士 All Malaysian
6/5/2011 (星期五)
07:00pm - 07:20pm 系友入场
07:20pm -07:30pm 開場舞蹈
07:30pm - 07:35pm 开场
07:35pm - 07:40pm 十周年短片回顾
07:40pm - 08:00pm 媒体研究系主任致词
08:00pm - 08:10pm I-do表演
08:10pm - 08:20pm 扯铃表演
08:20pm - 08:30pm STORM表演
08:30pm - 09:00pm 幸运抽奖
09:00pm - 09:20pm 全体切蛋糕仪式
09:20pm - 09:25pm 主席同学致闭幕词
09:25pm - 09:30pm 历程筹办回顾
09:30pm - 10:00pm 全体合照兼历届班级照与交流
10:00pm 礼成
6/5/2011 (星期五)
07:00pm - 07:20pm 系友入场
07:20pm -07:30pm 開場舞蹈
07:30pm - 07:35pm 开场
07:35pm - 07:40pm 十周年短片回顾
07:40pm - 08:00pm 媒体研究系主任致词
08:00pm - 08:10pm I-do表演
08:10pm - 08:20pm 扯铃表演
08:20pm - 08:30pm STORM表演
08:30pm - 09:00pm 幸运抽奖
09:00pm - 09:20pm 全体切蛋糕仪式
09:20pm - 09:25pm 主席同学致闭幕词
09:25pm - 09:30pm 历程筹办回顾
09:30pm - 10:00pm 全体合照兼历届班级照与交流
10:00pm 礼成
Saturday, 9 April 2011
So far, the Department of Media Studies has entered its 10th year, with graduates spreading over different fields of media industry; among them, some are even renowned characters. On 2/5/2011, all of these graduates will be cordially invited to ‘come home’ to New Era College to celebrate our ‘Big Day’! In this 10th anniversary celebration, together we will witness the bitter-sweet, heart-aching, tears-dripping, laugh-pouring moment we have been through.
Involving all teaching staff and students from Media Studies Department, this remarkable celebration is advocated by the Public Relations Group of this Department. Activities lies ahead included: opening and closing ceremonies, banquet, mock-up media classes, environmental protection games, lucky draw, drawing competition, container display, stage performance and others. To make this event more magnificent, the annually organised New Era ‘World Press Freedom Day’ of the Media Studies Society is also added in to alert people on the importance of press freedom and challenges facing by the media worker. 媒体研究系成立于2001年,初设课程时,新院才刚起步三年。当时,学生们在货柜里上课,小小的空间令人汗如雨下,转身已成问题,更妄说容纳媒体人所需的器材。在十年后的今天,媒体研究系已拥有了设备完善的现代课室、剪接室、广播室、公关活动室、新闻中心等等,今非昔比,第一届校友重游后难免无限唏嘘、深感华社善长仁翁及师长们对媒体系的热心付出!
Established in 2001, the Media Studies Department was formed three years after the operation of New Era College. In the beginning, students were forced to study in the containers due to financial constraint at that time. As space was limited, moving around has been a problem, let alone putting in media studies equipments. However, 10 years later, the first batch Media Studies graduates will sure be amazed by our well-equipped modern classrooms, visual editing rooms, broadcasting studio, public relations room, the press centre and others. What a big change due to the kind contribution of donors and dedicated teaching staff!
As time goes, the curriculum, content and infrastructure of Media Studies Department has been updated. Beginning with only Journalism major, the program was halfway developed into 4 majors: Broadcasting, Visual Production, Online Journalism and Public Relations to suit students’ broaden interests, which leads them to be reporters, visual producers, broadcasters, hosts, public relations practitioners and others.
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